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9 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  14:00, 29. Apr. 2009
Zeile 34: Zeile 34:  
* ''Professor Robert Cahn. Physicist who, by his writing, teaching and experiments in metallurgy, effectively created the field of materials science''. In: Times Online, London, 7. Mai 2007 - [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article1755923.ece im Netz]
* ''Professor Robert Cahn. Physicist who, by his writing, teaching and experiments in metallurgy, effectively created the field of materials science''. In: Times Online, London, 7. Mai 2007 - [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article1755923.ece im Netz]
* Roger Doherty: ''RETROSPECTIVE: Robert W. Cahn (1924-2007) and David Turnbull (1915-2007)''. In: Science, 6 July 2007, Vol. 317, no. 5834, pp. 56-57 (This is in remembrance of two major figures in the development of modern materials science.) - [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/317/5834/56 sciencemag.org]
* Roger Doherty: ''RETROSPECTIVE: Robert W. Cahn (1924-2007) and David Turnbull (1915-2007)''. In: Science Magazine, 6 July 2007, Vol. 317, no. 5834, pp. 56-57 (This is in remembrance of two major figures in the development of modern materials science.) - [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/317/5834/56 sciencemag.org]
* Sabine Rempe: ''Auf den Spuren des Großvaters. Familie des jüdischen Forschers Robert Cahn besuchte die Neue Materialien Fürth''. <ref>Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH (NMF) - [http://www.nmfgmbh.de/ im Netz]</ref> In: [[Fürther Nachrichten]] vom 28. April 2009 - [http://www.fuerther-nachrichten.de/artikel.asp?art=1008837&kat=12 FN]
* Sabine Rempe: ''Auf den Spuren des Großvaters. Familie des jüdischen Forschers Robert Cahn besuchte die Neue Materialien Fürth''. <ref>Neue Materialien Fürth GmbH (NMF) - [http://www.nmfgmbh.de/ im Netz]</ref> In: [[Fürther Nachrichten]] vom 28. April 2009 - [http://www.fuerther-nachrichten.de/artikel.asp?art=1008837&kat=12 FN]

