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1) Das oberste Bild is unscharf.

2) "... The biggest thing ever was to have a live concert on top of the „Bahnhofshochhaus“ the only sky scraper in Fürth near the Railwaystation. We did it a little like the beatles but without smashing a steinway down to the street. The concert was filmed and the pictures were taken out of a helicopter- just like a very, very famos rock band with a major company deal in the back. But this was not the case- ok the video ran a few times on MTV, we sold about 3000 Records and we played for a few thousand people at festivals for some years but this was it so far ..." Text: https://www.ronny-van-dyke.com/_files/ugd/e8dfcd_98385f296dc64c27b60d5e92f78ac802.pdf

Bild: https://scontent-frx5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/14753754_1811451089135883_6151574499632232632_o.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=uJp2QfwChCwAX8FMcH8&_nc_ht=scontent-frx5-2.xx&oh=00_AT_S5TMgpeEYdjqWfVcEqgBWDj0qOLv3RaA93H4mhL8J2g&oe=635EF945

3) Neben dem Röllinger Hochhaus gibt es noch den Röllinger Steg wie auch die Röllinger Häuser am Röllinger Berg

Frank Drechsler


Es gibt ein passendes Bild auf Wikimedia Commons: SuSE_Linux_4.2_Paket_Handbuch_und_CDs.jpg (mit in großer Version erkennbarer Adresse) - kann man das hier direkt einblenden?